03028 Kyiv, prospekt Nauky, 41

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License “Recognition of persons”

Face recognition module  for ZetPro VMS   software   . Compatibility with ZetPro, UNV, DAHUA cameras (with the “Face Detector” function). Recognition accuracy is 95-99%. “Black” and “white” lists of persons.

Face recognition module  for ZetPro VMS   software   . Compatibility with ZetPro, UNV, DAHUA cameras (with the “Face Detector” function). Recognition accuracy is 95-99%. “Black” and “white” lists of persons. Search for a person by  image,   name, age, gender. PostgresQL database. Online monitoring. Audible and visual alarm of the “black” list. Telegram bot for sending alarming events to the “Telegram” messenger  .

The operation mode of the gearbox   allows you to control electric door locks or any rotary mechanisms by the logic of comparing a face with a white list. To use this mode, it is necessary to connect the relay module VKMODULE, Laurent, ESP82266, ESP82266_COM.

Software compatibility ZetPro VMS
Supported protocol ZetPro, UNV, Dahua
Selection of the recognition zone in the cell
Online monitoring Yes
Saving screenshots Yes
Setting the recognition accuracy 0-100%
White list of persons Yes
Black list of persons Yes
Alarming messages Local + Telegram bot
Checkpoint mode Yes
Supported relay module VKMODULE, Laurent, ESP82266, ESP82266_COM

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